Searching for Victor's Pioneers
Check our pages of unidentified photos - if you see someone there you know,
please email us by clicking on the photo number under the image.
The Cripple Creek and Victor libraries have some records of families who lived
in the district. Please note the libraries are not open weekends. Victor Library
hours are Monday-Friday noon to 6 p.m. If you wish to contact Belinda Brown,
Victor Librarian, regarding family research, email her at
If you want to do onsite research, plan to visit during the weekdays and non
holidays as all birth, death, marriage and land records are at the Teller County
Courthouse in Cripple Creek.
Have an interesting family history connected to Victor and the 1890's Gold Rush?
Send us an email with the information ready to post along with photos you might have
and we will add them as time and space allows.
Genealogy & History Links
Check out our page of links to Victor Family